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Installing DevStack on Ubuntu 16.04

By July 13, 2017September 12th, 2022No Comments

Installing DevStack on UbuntuIn this tutorial we loot installing DevStack on Ubuntu 16.04. The base Operating System in now installed so we should add OpenStack. This we will do using the scripts from the DevStack repository. There are many ways to deploy OpenStack
on Ubuntu and not just DevStack:

  • Install each service manually
  • Conjure-up
  • DevStack
  • and others

DevStack is a simple option and should be installed on a minimal install of Ubuntu such as we have chosen in the demonstration.

Ubuntu Server Install

We are using Ubuntu 16.04 Server. During the install we choose and Guided LVM partitioning layout. This is important as LVM2 is required for the Cinder volume storage to be created. We do not need and unpartitioned space but make sure that you have over 20GB free space on the root partition. DevStack will create loopback files to use as devices. During the install we add in the OpenSSH Server, Standard System Tools and Basic Ubuntu Server for the task selection menu.

Install Python Systemd Support

DevStack needs to be able to link in to systemd to manage services and as such will require the libraries to be installed:

[tux@devstack ~]$ sudo apt-get install -y python-systemd

Create User Account

The services that the DevStack install uses will need their own account. This account must have access to root privileges with sudo. In the following code you will see that we create the user stack with a default bash shell and a home directory located at /opt/stack. The -m option ensure the home directory is created.

[tux@devstack ~]$ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -m stack
[tux@devstack ~]$ echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/stack

Clone the DevStack GIT Repo

The git client will be installed in 16.04 server by default so we should not need to add it. If we switch to the stack user account we can clone the latest DevStack repo. We then change to the downloaded code by moving into the devstack directory which will be in the home directory of the stack user.

[tux@devstack ~]$ sudo su -l stack 
[tux@devstack ~]$ git clone
[tux@devstack ~]$ cd /opt/stack/devstack

DevStack Answer File

We can create an answer file with the minimum configuration included. This will install the services onto the single host but we set the password to be used. You should create a local.conf file in the root of the devstack directory. You, of course, can use a different password if you prefer and make sure that you use your IP ADDRESS:


Editing the /etc/hosts File

We also want to make sure that we reference the actual host IP in the /etc/hosts file. You will see in the video that I add an entry to the file that reads like this. Making sure you use your IP Address and hostname:  devstack

Starting the Install

From the root of the devstack directory we can initiate the install by running the script. This will take 20-40 minutes depending on the speed of your system and network

[tux@devstack ~]$ ./

The demonstration follows